Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Who are the ‘super-apostles’?

"I have made a fool of myself, but you drove me to it. I ought to have been commended by you, for I am not in the least inferior to the “super-apostles,” even though I am nothing. The things that mark an apostle—signs, wonders and miracles—were done among you with great perseverance. How were you inferior to the other churches, except that I was never a burden to you? Forgive me this wrong!"  2 Corinthians 12:11–13 NIV

The ‘super-apostles’ are Jewish missionaries who have arrived at the church in Corinth since Paul left. On the surface they are knowledgeable, good-looking and eloquent. Underneath, they are devious and domineering.
The ‘super-apostles’ manage to mislead the Corinthians, because the Greeks like their gods to be powerful and perfect. They find it almost impossible to accept a God who gets crucified, and Paul (whom one person described as having a bald head, bandy legs and beetle brows) is a most unlikely apostle!

Although the ‘super-apostles’ present themselves as Christians, they have reworked the gospel for their own ends. The content of their message and the style of their ministry is not at all true to Christ and his gospel.

If all this sounds familiar you may have been watching a little to much Trinity Broadcasting Network.  This television station was founded on the "super apostle" prosperity teaching "Name it Claim it".  They look right, act right, and seemingly preach right, but there is one thing missing, doctrine.

This was the same thing that Paul was writing to the young Corinthian church about.  They had traded solid Biblical teaching in for a Gospel that was more appealing to them.  They supported the "super apostles" financially and followed the false gospel they preached to the point where some had begun to slander their real pastor, Paul.

As a pastor for 15 years I have seen this in the church time and time again.  Men and women who connect with the teaching of a television evangelist, begin following his/her ministry, and then leave the church because their pastor is not that person.  This is not God's plan.  While some teaching on the television is solid (this is the exception) God has intended for his people to be part of a local body of believers.

I commend the spiritual hunger of believers that watch TBN but I want to encourage you to guard your heart and your doctrine closely.  Don't trade the truth for a lie.  Test what the evangelist and even what your pastor is teaching by confirming their words with God's Word as revealed in Scripture.

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